Day 0 Mon 12 Aug 2019
outskirts of Missoula MT to Shady Spruce Hostel
7.6 miles, 0:39 riding time, 25' elevation gain
Logistics had been a nightmare. Despite Spokane's close ties to Calgary, no buses nor trains run between them. No rental car drops are allowed. Airline connections from Boise are complicated and expensive ($1,000 one way). My friend Linda, who's living in the Idaho Panhandle, agreed to drop me off in Missoula and with her son pick me up in Jasper. Planning the camping in Canada was also difficult as Canadian parks have no hiker biker sections. I turned all those problems over to Andrea, so she and Tom were probably thinking they had 3 kids to take care of.
Linda dropped me and my assembled bike in Missoula about lunch time, so we had lunch with the family, and Linda headed home.
Linda drops Steve off in Missoula. |
The family's bikes had been shipped from Rhode Island to the house of a friend of Tom's where we went after lunch to start putting bikes together. That was slow work, and with one bike left to be put together (think small boxes and many parts), the teens and I rode bikes back to town between dusk and twilight without lights which were back in the motel/hostel. The teens were good at calling out potholes and railroad crossings which weren't easy to see in the fading light.
Putting the bikes together in Missoula. Don, Steve, Tom, Andrea, and Emma |
Day 1 Tue 13 Aug 2019
Shady Spruce Hostel/Holiday Inn to Seeley Motor Lodge Seeley, MT
54.8 miles, 5:45 riding time, 1939' elevation gain
We stopped by Adventure Cycling to weigh-in the bikes. At 94 lbs, mine was the heaviest, but I pack impractical items like a laptop, plus my water bottles and gas bottles were full, unlike the rest. Tom carries the tools and weighted in just below me.
The crew ready to depart Missoula: Henry, Emma, Steve, Tom, and Andrea |
Making our way out of Missoula |
Tom departing the Seeley Lake Motor Lodge |
Day 2 Wed 14 Aug 2019
Seeley Motor Lodge Seeley, MT to USFS CG at Swan Lake, MT
61.3 miles, 5:34 riding time, 656' elevation gain
After breakfast Tom and I went for supplies in Seeley Lake which also offered a hardware store where we bought a clamp for my broken tent pole. The team was a bit tired, but we got out of town by 10:00 a.m. They benefited from a fairly easy day that was often downhill.
at the hardware store for a clamp for my broken tent pole and Tom's bike loaded with groceries |
on the road this beautiful morning: Andrea, Henry, Emma, and Tom |
Views were good all day |
Henry |
Lunch at Swan Valley Center where we bought much to go with our PB&J sandwiches |
enjoying the rolling hills |
Day 3 Thur 15 Aug 2019
USFS CG at Swan Lake, MT to Columbia Falls RV Park, Columbia Falls, MT
47.4 miles, 4:29 riding time, 846 elevation gain
We awoke to fog after a little rain fell during the night. It would be another easy day before tackling "Going to the Sun" tomorrow. There was no "current bush" to charge my GPS, so I'm using my old cyclometer for mileage and time and Google for elevation.
took a break here and bought some excellent local cherries |
fog was soon lifting |
Henry and Tom on a quiet road |
Emma on another quiet road |
Columbia Falls and the RV park were both nice places. The bike shop had little inventory except for new bikes, so Henry got no new gloves to replace those he'd lost on day one. We set up camp, went to Dairy Queen, ate out, and after dark bought groceries for the next day.
Day 4 Fri 16 Aug 2019
Columbia Falls RV Park, Columbia Falls, MT to Sprague CG or Glacier Lodge
33.4 miles, 3:44 riding time, 623 elevation gain
Some of the back gravel roads getting into the park were rutted with bad pot holes and some speeding commercial traffic. The family stayed in the lodge and I stayed in the hiker biker section of Sprague Creek Camp Ground less than 1/2 mile away. We had dinner in the lodge and made plans for the "big day" tomorrow.
Day 5 Sat 17 Aug 2019
Sprague Creek CG and Glacier Lodge to St Mary, MT
41.7 miles, 5:08 riding time, 3,698 elevation gain
The big day of climbing that everyone was worried about had finally arrived. The plan was to leave the lodge at 0600 hours - an hour before dawn. I'd like to have eaten at the "all you can eat" breakfast buffet that started at 0630, but I'm not that much faster than the group. We were off within 10 minutes of the plan with lights blazing in a light mist. Park rules say that bikes must be off the Going to Sun highway by 1100 hours. Emma in particular was determined she wasn't going to be caught short or finish last. That attitude make her the first one to the top.
Emma, the last time I saw her before she dropped us all on Going to the Sun Highway |
Andrea on Going to the Sun Highway |
Tom climbing |
Henry on the climb: Going to the Sun |
The sun's rising; time to turn off the lights |
At the top: Tom, Steve, Emma, Andrea, and Henry |
This mountain goat wasn't shy and came quite close to us with her kid |
view of Hidden Lake at the top of the 5.4 mi hike with elevation gain of 1,325 ft in addition to what we'd ridden |
Day 6 Sun 18 Aug 2019
Johnson Campground St Mary, MT to Waterton Lakes, Canada
49.2 miles, 5:49 riding time, 3,698 elevation gain
The big day was yesterday, but today has 75% as much climbing and 8 more miles with a crew that's starting the day tired. The ride to Babb was pleasant with a strong tailwind. Babb surprised us with a nice place for a 2nd breakfast. As we climbed into the mountains and trees, the tailwind became less noticeable.
Johnson's Campground at St Mary, MT |
Henry finishes his 2nd breakfast in Babb |
14 hilly miles to the border as we left Babb |
Andrea with Chief Mountain in the background |
Crossing the border into Canada: Tom, Henry, Emma, Andrea, and Steve |
Tom working on Emma's derailer |
Eventually the rolling downhill to Waterton began |
Waterton Park recently added a bike path from its gate into the townsite, so we started in on it, but we found grades of 12% that greatly exceeded the grade of the road. A bear on the bike path brought the last of us to the road. It was about sundown when we arrived at Waterton Townsite. I was to camp while the family was in a motel. They let me set up my tent before eating as nightfall was approaching, but I had trouble finding my unmarked camp site, so it took too long. Darkness had fallen by the time I rejoined the group, and it was 10:00 p.m. when we were looking for a place to eat. Finally we found a bar, but they wouldn't let Henry in, so we ordered greasy food to go and ate in the motel.
Day 7 Mon 19 Aug 2019
layover day at Waterton Lakes, Canada
10.1 miles, 1:03 riding time
My inadequate repair of the tent pole was beginning to threaten to rip the tent, so I headed to Tamarack where a couple of young guys looked at it as a challenge. They rearranged the order of the poles moving the broken pole toward the base of the tent allowing me to use the boot which wouldn't fit over the "joint" of the poles.. Repeatedly running between the campground, Tamarack, and the motel gave me 10 miles for the day.
The clamp was giving up. Employees at Tamarack rearranged the poles allowing for use of the boot and reviving the tent |
Waterton Lake |
view from the boat ride |
Day 8 Tue 20 Aug 2019
Waterton Lakes, Alberta to Lost Lemon private campground Blairmore, AB
69.2 miles, 7:03 riding time elevation gain: 2,313
The layover day had revived everyone, and undue tiredness would not be a problem in the future.
Tom departing Waterton Park |
cycling thru farm country north of Waterton |
Although there was no undue tiredness, the group was tiring in the hot afternoon, so we rode a mile or so off route to the Beaver Mines General Store for a break of cold drinks and ice cream which revived all.
Beaver Mines General Store - where everyone was revived |
Emma, Andrea, & Steve |
We got in late, so we rushed to get our tents up by nightfall, ate out, and didn't do justice to Blairmore or the Lost Lemon CG which looked to be a nice place. Of course, late arrivals make for a late departure the next day.
camp at Blairmore the next morning. The photo's time stamp shows it 0939, and the tents are still up |
Day 9 Wed 21 Aug 2019
Lost Lemon private campground Blairmore, AB to Raging Elk Hostel Fernie, BC
44.8 miles, 4:24 riding time elevation gain: 856 ft
It was slightly uphill to the Continental Divide at Crowsnest Pass which we crossed putting us in BC. The sign is over a mile from the provincial border and the divide and is directly behind a permanently installed trash can which don't make for the photo op we had hoped for.
this unglamorous sign marks our passing back into B.C. |
![]() |
best lunch of the trip in Sparwood, BC from the grocery store across the street |
Steve, Emma, Andrea, Tom, & Henry in front of the former largest truck in the world |
Day 10 Thur 22 Aug 2019
Raging Elk Hostel Fernie, BC to Fort Steele, BC
61.8 miles, 5:57 riding time elevation gain: 1,654 ft
Enjoyed the Raging Elk Hostel and spending some time with Joe & Tom |
Most of the morning was spent on busy hwy 3 which made us consider the gravel alternative. In the afternoon we were back on pleasant back roads for a while before rejoining hwy 3 which in the afternoon had even less shoulder and more commercial traffic
Quiet back road of the afternoon: Andrea, Henry, and Emma |
Emma, Henry, Steve, and Andrea enjoying an overlook as we escaped hwy 3 for a second time |
Emma & Tom enjoy a swim at Norbury Lake |
Campsite at Ft Steele, BC |
Day 11 Fri 23 Aug 2019
Fort Steele, BC to Fairmont Hot Springs, BC
55.4 miles, 4:44 riding time elevation gain: 1,362 ft
We had the best breakfast of the trip in Fort Steele: pancakes with nutella, banana slices, and blueberry syrup. It may sound like too much, but not for hungry cyclists. We spent most of the day on hwy 93/95 which is still too busy but from here had good shoulders. We were on back roads part of the day which is where the photos were taken.. Despite the short day, we arrived too late to go to the hot springs and do laundry, so we promised ourselves an earlier arrival at Radium Hot Springs the next day.
Andrea the Kootenay River |
Henry, Emma, Steve, & Andrea |
nearing Fairmont Hot Springs, B.C. |
Day 12 Sat 24 Aug 2019
Fairmont Hot Springs, BC to Radium Hot Springs, BC
32.6 miles, 3:54 riding time elevation gain: 679 ft
A short day and a late start today. The morning into Invermere was along a back road, and soon I noticed a beside the road new blacktop bike path that was designed with steep hills - unlike the road. With a short day in play, I got on the bike path and with fresh legs enjoyed the unnecessary steep climbing. The rest of the group stuck to the quiet side road.
Andrea, Emma, & Henry leaving Radium Hot Springs |
new bike path between Radium Hot Springs and Invermere, BC which is popular despite its steepness |
Invermere is a pleasant touristy town |
Tom on the horrible ascent out of Invermere. If you think he barely fits, you're right. |
Henry finishing the climb out of Invermere |
Radium Hot Springs |
Henry enjoying relaxing at the hot springs |
a mountain sheep ram enjoying relaxing behind our motel |
Day 13 Sun 25 Aug 2019
Radium Hot Springs, BC to Kootenay Park Lodge at Vermilion Crossing BC
39.8 miles, 4:46 riding time elevation gain: 2,700 ft
The Alpen Motel was a good place to stay and we enjoyed the many mountain sheep around it |
The gorge going into the national parks |
Sinclair Pass elevation 4,875' Most of it was 6% but 8% and 10% were not uncommon |
back in the Kootenay River Valley; the cold side of the mountains according to last night's waitress which seemed correct |
my favorite lunch spot along the Kootenay River |
We spent the night in a cabin at Kootenay Park Lodge |
limited menu but excellent dinner at the rustic Kootenay Lodge |
Day 14 Mon 26 Aug 2019
Kootenay Park Lodge, B.C. to Banff, AB
30.8 miles, 4:47 riding time elevation gain: 2,028 ft
It was so cold this morning that I wasn't sure I was opposed to the late start.
Steve and Emma ready to depart |
views as we left the lodge |
Steve along the Vermilion River |
Henry & Steve |
nearing Vermilion Pass Emma, Andrea, Henry, and Steve |
Snacks are part of touring. Here Henry enjoys a red licorice break. |
Henry and Emma at the divide where we crossed back to Alberta |
Castle Mountain where we diverted from the route to go to Banff |
nearing Banff |
back road into Banff |
entering Banff |
Day 15 Mon 27 Aug 2019
layover Banff, Alberta Bad News
0 miles, 0 riding time elevation gain: 0 ft
We'd planned to meet at 0900 hours to do laundry, but when I arrived at the family's hotel, Tom was somber faced sitting in the lobby. His father would be having a heart procedure later in the week, and the family had to fly home. Bad news for all of us. We spent the layover day getting their bikes to a bike shop for shipping; the family rented a car, we drove around a bit, and had a big dinner that was more of sorrow than celebration. Despite my negative feeling about riding and camping solo in grizzly territory, Brian was looking forward to the drive all the way to Jasper, and I was here probably for the only time in my life, so I decided to finish alone.
Continued as Bicycling the Great Parks North Part II